Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31th, 2014  Lesson 75  

The light has come.

  • Intention:  To celebrate the coming of the light into our awareness.
  • Practice: Two 15-minute sessions with eyes closed.  In addition, shorter (2-minute) applications of today's idea every fifteen minutes with eyes closed if possible.
  • ApplicationLong sessions -- Begin each session by repeating today's idea in the following form several times, slowly and with complete patience:

    The light has come.  I have forgiven the world.

    Then wait and watch for a new world with a completely open mind, washed of all past ideas and clean of every concept you have made.  And while you wait, repeat today's idea several times slowly.  Wait to see the world your forgiveness created.  Realize that your forgiveness entitles you to vision.  You have forgiven the world and the Holy Spirit will be with you and will show you what true vision sees.  You will see differently from this time forth.  You will see the world that has been promised you since time began, and in which the end of time ensured.  Wait for it with patience and complete confidence in Him.

  • ApplicationShort session -- Begin each session by repeating today's idea in the following form, then spend a minute or two every fifteen minutes, with eyes closed if possible, rejoicing in the power of forgiveness, and giving thanks for mercy and the Love of God:

    The light has come.  I have forgiven the world.
  • ApplicationIf temptation arises -- say (silently) to anyone who seems to pull you back into darkness:
 The light has come.  I have forgiven you.

  • Forgiveness offers everything I want, and I want to see a happy world, a world full of peace, and joy, and beauty.  Forgiveness offers this because forgiveness allows us to let go of our grievances, our limited perceptions and understandings, and go past them to the light God placed within us.  The light is there and we will see it shining brighter and brighter as we forgive the world.  Forgive and celebrate the light.

  • Forgive the Sun for rising in the east, traveling through the sky and setting in the west.  This is our perception, but once we know that the Sun does not rise in the east, neither travel through the sky, nor set in the west, but is simply the star that anchors our solar system, and what we see is only due to our Earth spinning on it's axis.  When we realize this, we can easily forgive our perception of the Sun, because we know it is only an illusion.  Just so, the more we realize that all we now see is nothing but an illusion, an effect created by our grievances in the form of our judgments, condemnations, and punishments, then the more we are able to forgive, and thus the more will we grow in appreciation of the light of truth.
  • This is easier said than done, but it is in the effort that we will succeed.  Remember that anytime anyone or anything "upsets" you, that you are really upset because that person or thing is reflecting something within you that you have judged to be "bad," inferior, or in some way not OK.  Respond by acknowledging its presence; acknowledging how you feel about it; acknowledging that it is a reflection of something within you that you are not OK with, and therefore an ego-illusion.  Then forgive yourself for forgetting that you are the perfect child of a perfect God.  Forgive yourself for forgetting that you are standing in a hall of carefully disguised mirrors, and remember to laugh at your forgetfulness.

Love created us.  Be the light of love and save the world.  *:)

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30th, 2014  Lesson 74   

There is no will but God's.

  • Intention:  To recognize that our will and God's will are one.
  • Practice: Two 15-minute sessions with eyes closed.  In addition, shorter (2-minute) applications of today's idea every half hour with eyes closed if possible.
  • ApplicationLong sessions -- Begin each session by repeating today's idea in the following form several times, slowly and with firm determination to understand what they mean, and to hold them in mind:
    There is no will but God's.  I cannot be in conflict.

    Then spend several minutes in adding some related thoughts, such as.
     I am at peace.
    Nothing can disturb me.  My will is God's
    My will and God's are one.
    God wills peace for His Son.

  • ApplicationShort session -- Begin each session by repeating today's idea in the following form, then spend a minute or two every half an hour, with eyes closed if possible, finding what you seek:
     There is no will but God's.  I seek His peace today.
  • ApplicationIf conflicting thoughts arise -- Tell yourself immediately:

 There is no will but God's.  These conflict thoughts are meaningless

  • ApplicationIf a conflicting thought is persistent -- Single it out for special consideration.  Think about it briefly but very specifically, identifying the particular person or persons and the situation or situations involved, and tell yourself:
There is no will but God's.  I share it with Him.
My conflicts about _______ cannot be real.

  • These are the implications of oneness:  everything is intimately connected to everything else, and despite appearances everything is essentially the same one thing, and furthermore, there can be no room for conflict because there are no differences.  The obvious conclusion is that oneness means peace.  Peace abides in the presence of oneness.
  • Remembering that God is one and that there is no other, is a technique for looking past illusions, because it reminds us that illusions cannot be real in the presence of oneness.  We can thus be less affected by the apparent presence of illusions, knowing that they are not real.

Love created us.  Be the light of love and save the world.  *:)