God Goes With Me Wherever I Go: Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them.
ACIM Lesson 41,3
It is still true even though it has become clichéd to say things like “the kingdom of Heaven is within you,” “God goes with me wherever I go,” or “God is the strength in which I trust,” But think of the immense implications these statements express. If it is true that the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present Creator is always with you, how can ignorance, sorrow, pain, fear and loss really exist? Certainly these things are not of the Creator, and if He is with us then they cannot really exist for us either. And that is just a consideration of the negative side of the equation. On the positive side, the implications are even more immense, for it means that we have access to the divine characteristics of the Creator, such as infinite peace, wisdom, and power. What problem or situation can remain when addressed from this level of knowing, and what blind illusion can hide in the light of such reality? From this level of knowing, all things become possible for us, for this knowing not only brings all apparent problems to complete resolution and peace, but endows us with the supreme knowledge that in reality there are no problems. This supreme knowing rests on the knowledge of our true identity as children of God, i.e., godchildren, i.e., gods, which thereby grants us the ability and confidence to perform miracles. We can perform miracles even now for it is our birthright and inheritance, and because the power of the Creator is with us always, but presently, we lack the deep faith of this supreme knowing that would give us the confidence to actually do what we are innately capable of.
Our apparent suffering is due to the ignorance of our true identity; to our disbelief and faithlessness in the truth that we are children of God; and to the learned belief that our projected sense illusions are real. Generation after generation through the long corridors of time have we suffered in ignorance of our true identity, so captivated are we still by our self-created sense illusions. We believe these illusions to be real because we made them, and because each generation learned to believe in them from the previous generation. This is how the lie that we are bodies, without wisdom, vulnerable, and mortal is perpetuated. But now, let us deny that lie, let us begin to embrace the glorious truth that we are as God created us, perfect, spirit, and free. Let us embrace this, not in an egotistic way, but through the loving understanding that given our lineage, we can be nothing less. And by acknowledging this truth, also embrace the responsibility to express it all that we think say and do.
Let us re-discover the perfection so long covered and hidden deep within us and radiate it out into the world, for only that perfection will permanently “...cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them.” “Yes, yes,” you may say in protest “...but it took us generations to believe as we believe now, would it not take a similar amount of time to turn our belief around?”
Perhaps it could, but given who we really are, and given our willingness (our ability to will what we will,) and given the fact that it matters not how long the darkness has lasted, it is immediately removed by the first ray of light and love and truth; given that, it need not be a long time.
Let us gradually and deliberately open the door to the light of perfection within us, through our daily practice of opening our awareness to it, until the dawning of the light of knowledge grows into the full sunshine of the divine grace of eternal peace. It begins by spending a few minutes away from the cares of the world, a few minutes opening our awareness to the deep unfathomable peace within us; be still a few minutes each day; be still and you will come to know the divine presence within you.